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Willing Vessels
Often times we get so consumed with our daily lives , agendas, and our electronic devices that we either neglect our time with God OR we find ourselves trying to squeeze God into our busy schedules. Consequently we may feel guilty, at a loss for words , or its been so long since we've spoken to him that we just bombard God with a plethora of questions and prayer requests, but we forget to just express our love and gratitude to him . But, I just want to briefly inform or remind you that God creates moments in time for us to spend time with him in prayer, or scripture, or singing to him, etc, whether or not we take advantage and actually spend time with him is our choice. Let's be mindful and conscientious about how we are scheduling our days! instead of "Squeezing" God in, let us practice scheduling our day "AROUND" our time with Him (thanking him, talking to him, praising him, making your requests known, telling him your fears and worries, and just loving on him)... He's Waiting on YOU.
Let's Pray!
Thank you Lord,
for your patience with me,
Thank you for loving me and never giving up on me! Thank you for all you've done, and all that you're doing. I thank you just because I know that you love me and genuinely care about me. Sometimes things get a little tough, but I know that you are always with me. I know Lord, that you are the one that keeps providing for me. I know Lord, that you are my everything.
Abba, thank you for reminding me that YOU made me, and that I am your child. In all my endeavors and encounters, help me to #ReflectCHRIST
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