Assuming you read the most recent upload HONEST, I just want to give you some things to keep in mind to meditate on... (don't worry I won't charge you ... this time lol -JK)
So jumping right in: Daily, it is Imperative for us to :
1. EXAMINE OURSELVES : looking WITHIN plays a vital part in our relationship with God!. so everyday, multiple times a day... we must Ask God to REVEAL anything that we have in our lives that causes us to sin.(Psalm 139:23-24)
2. REPENT/SURRENDER: Ask Jesus to help you be ready and willing to ABANDON the fleshly desire to partake in the things that would grieve God.(Colossians 3:5-10)
3. GIVE THANKS: Take a moment each day and just thank God. Jesus was sent here not to condemn you for being imperfect BUT through HIS perfect love give you the opportunity to turn to Him for Help so that you can be saved and reconciled back to the father!John3:16-17). He came with YOU in mind, and BECAME SIN , died, THEN turned around and OVERCAME IT!
Willing Vessel, we can't stop sinning (falling short) on our own. We have to constantly examine our hearts, confess our weaknesses to Christ and ask Him to help us to refrain from falling at the windows of opportunity to sin; and lastly we must Constantly Thank God that He made a way for us to come back to Him when we do fall. His love is perfect and daily its perfecting us!!!(1 John 1:8-9)(Romans 6:8-14)(Psalm: 51:10)
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