Rather if you’re a seasoned saint or a baby believer in Jesus Christ, we have all been in at least one situation where forgiveness was something we felt we couldn’t or just didn’t want to do ! We’ve either been hurt by someone we trusted and forgiving them just seemed impossible; or we’ve been betrayed by or become so indignant with someone because of something they have said and or done that we feel that they aren’t worthy of forgiveness! However, did you know, that no matter how many times, and how badly you are wronged, forgiveness is always something you MUST do (Luke17:4)? In Matthew6:14-15(NLT), Jesus teaches that “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.” He didn’t say that if you forgive those who hurt your feelings once God will forgive you; he didn’t say that you should only forgive those whose say I’m sorry; and he didn’t say you should only forgive those who are deserving of forgiveness in your opinion. He said, “forgive those ( as in all, everyone, everybody, anyone …) who sin against you. Truth be told none of us are deserving of forgiveness, we all have- do – and-will hurt someone’s feelings, and we all have a little too much pride at times so we “may or may not” feel the need to apologize because we haven’t done anything wrong right? However, we live in a world where now forgiveness isn’t something that is done as often as it should be…
Let’s take a look at what the denotative definition of the word forgive is.
To cease to blame or hold resentment against someone or something
To grant pardon for a mistake, wrongdoing, etc.
to pardon an offense or an offender-(FarlexDictionary)
The list goes on however they are linked to pardoning something or someone for something that one dislikes or takes offense to, or releasing someone from some sort of offense or debt. So since we’ve looked at what the dictionary says it means to forgive, I took the liberty of asking a few people 3 questions about forgiveness and i received some great answers ! I will attach the screenshots of their answers, but i will list the questions below and give my personal answers as well.
1.What is your connotative definition of forgiveness: My connotative definition is to actively choose not to hold a grudge against someone. To move on in a loving manner even when the person doesn’t say sorry.
2.How do you think people today have allowed the world to conform and diminish the significance and purpose of forgiveness: Honestly, I feel that the world now is steering toward a mentality where being “crazy, a savage, and cold-hearted” is like wearing a badge of honor. It is rare to find people that genuinely are concerned about and care for anyone other than themselves. People want people love them passed their wrongs but drop people without hesitation after being wronged once… Although Jesus said to forgive 70×7 times a day(Matt18:21-22), somewhere we have developed the mindset of “fool me once shame on you , fool me twice that’s my fault, and fool me three times there’s no more peace I’m out for damage, and it won’t happen again with nobody”. It’s a sad and cruel mentality but the world is so open about it, and it has become rare to find people who give people chance after chance after chance after chance and so on. But, the thing is if we don’t know the one who forgives us how do we know how he feels about forgiving others and how would we know the correlation between us forgiving others and Him forgiving us ?
3.Why is forgiveness important to you? it is important to forgive because not only do we receive forgiveness as we forgive others, but holding on to grudges is so exhausting and evil ! you’re trying to hurt someone by not pardoning their wrong doings, or you’re not allowing yourself to experience the freedom and peace that God has for us because not only are we allowing the devil to manipulate us to think that if they don’t deserve it and if they don’t ask for it (forgiveness) well… “THEY AIN’T GETTIN’ IT ” ; but we are allowing ourselves to sink into sin, eventual hurt, prolonged anger, and unnecessary stress. It is crucial that we forgive because it is through forgiveness that we receive freedom from a painful past, we are able to live peacefully in the present, and obtain access to an exhilarating future !.
In closing, I would like to pray with everyone that lays eyes on this post:
Lord, thank you. Thank you for another chance to come to you freely and tell you that we are sorry, forgive us for any sin of commission and omission. Lord, today I ask that you touch each and every person that is struggling with act of FORGIVING. Lord, I ask that you stir their hearts so that they see the necessity in forgiving those who have wronged them even if they haven’t asked for forgiveness because it is through forgiving others that we receive forgiveness through you. Lord I ask that if there is anyone hurting or angry that you let them feel your love , peace, and ability to fully enjoy freedom. Give them the strength to let it go and the courage to move forward. God let them know that you love them and you forgive them as well. Lord I ask that you touch our minds and our hearts so that we can forgive as often and as freely as we should. Lord we love you , and we thank you for loving us enough to forgive us for our sins even though we don’t deserve it! You are amazing God… In Jesus’ name. Amen.